- a reference database of ברכות

Who are we? What do we do?

Founded in October of 2006 (about 18 years and 6 days ago), was designed to ease the typical user's retrieval of Brochos information. Our goal was to create a simple and effective reference guide to Brochos. While the actual website's design has gone through quite a metamorphosis, our goal remains the same today.

In the process of formulating our site, we defined three main acheivements:

  • The site should be accessible. It is available anywhere in the world, at any time of the day, and from a variety of devices. We even have an API that enables others to use our vast knowledge base.
  • The site should be maintainable. Whenever necessary, we can add new items to our site, and update older items to reflect newfound information. All changes are immediately available to all forms of our site.
  • The site should be searchable. Our search functionality allows almost immediate access to all our information.

We are currently run by a relatively small staff of dedicated individuals who make it their hobby to update the site on a regular basis.

Are we reliable? Who is the posek behind the site?

In order to simplify our "reliability" we created a source system. Simply put, every item that enters our database must contain information on where we got that particular Halacha. It is therefore up to the user's judgement on whether that source is reliable according to his or her standards.

We also try to be as comprehensive as possible. If you find that we are missing a specific Shitah in a certain item, please use the "report errors" button to inform us of our omission.

What is the correct way to spell ברכות?

Due to the many standards of transliterating words from Hebrew to English, there is no one correct way to spell ברכות. Variations include brachot, berachos, brachos, brochos, and berakhot. We mostly chose "brochos" because we felt it was a fairly popular way to spell it, and because of domain availability issues.